With regard to having a colonic with Therapeutic Natural Health Spa, it is important to know that we use the Gravity flow method also known as the closed method.
The actual process takes 20 minutes. Your first session takes one hour because it comes with consultation. The purpose of the colonic is to remove the old encrusted built-up fecal matter from the colon which relieves headaches, pain, gas, bloatedness, acne and bad breath and so much more. You will feel focused and rejuvenated after a colonic. We gently insert a scope into the rectum. There's no pain involved. Water flows in while fecal matter flows directly out to the sewer. We had one client that lost 25 pounds of stool in one session. This has never happened again. The average person may lose 3,5 or 10 pounds. Some persons have inch loss around the stomach area.
Price: $ 120

13 WAYS YOU KNOW WHEN YOU NEED A COLONIC with Therapeutic Natural Health Spa
If you or someone you know has:
* Bad Breath
* Headaches
* Excess Weight
* Skin Problems
* Back Pain
* Cold Hands and Feet
* Constipated
* Diarrhea
* Feeling Tired All The Time
* Can’t Sleep
* Craving for Sweets (pastries)
* Diabetes
* Feeling unbalanced